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The legendary Harris family AKA "The Orange County Jacksons" took the stage for the first time 50 years ago. Their self-contained unique family groove, extraordinary musical skills, and charisma put the Harris band in the same categories as The Jacksons, Sylers, Osmonds, Isley Brothers, etc. Collectively the family harbors a treasure trove of original hit songs the world has yet to hear ... Will this be the year?

They are experiencing a new love for each other and bringing the family back to the production board. During their golden anniversary, the patriarch, Jimi James works to finish what his parents started 50 years ago, tell their story in a documentary, and put his family back on stage while producing new music.


All five siblings have been on television twice but have yet to be heard

J. Harris in Hollywood

J. Harris in Hollywood

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This documentary aims to push back in the war against the family unit by inspiring families to love each other by displaying the Harris siblings overcoming their decades of differences and completing their parents 50 year old dream.  James, Jeffrey, Julie, Jerrold, and Janine share their stories and produce music to inspire the human spirit while shakin’ as many asses as possible.

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